Training & Workshops

Are we following best practice?
What, When, Where and How?

With over 25 years of experience in horticultural and environmental education, we generally have the capability and the industry contacts to assist your organisation/business to train groups and individuals. We can tailor training to suit your immediate and long term needs, so that horticultural tasks can be implemented that are technically correct, efficient and contribute to continual improvement.

Some examples: 
Training balinese staff to lay turf

We can analyse a horticultural situation and generally make recommendations for improvements or train people so that they can do the work. This is very effective for multi-skilling existing workers who may not be horticulturally trained but have the capacity to perform many outdoor tasks.

Seed collection, extraction & propagation 

Geology and soils

Plant identification

 Soil analysis and testing

Balinese staff excited about planting 

It's all about maintaining quality!  Gardens require nuturing and sometimes this includes training it's workers. 

It helps when they are so enthusiastic!
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